Over at JoBlo they have posted the first image of a pre-burned Freddy Kruger from the remake of A Nightmare on Elm St.
I'm all a bit meh about this. I mean I like A Nightmare on Elm St and I always have but it wasn't Friday the 13th or Halloween ( I do realise both remakes of these were a bit meh but it was good to see them back) to me when I was a kid and Freddy became stale very very quickly. And dude what's with the jokes....just fucking kill them. Though I must admit as I have gotten older and dare I say it gayer. Cannot help but love Nancy's lush of a mother Marge. She is totally Mommy Dearest......vodka in the linen cupboard....fucking brilliant!
Gonna watch Last House on the Left this week. Been a while since I watched it and I want to see it again before the remake is out. Review will be up in a couple of days. Feel free to watch it yourselves and comment!
It is very rare that I can go into a dvd shop, read the back of a dvd cover and actually buy it instead of saying "one to download". This such rarity happened to me on Saturday. I picked up a Norwegian movie called "Manhunt" (aka Rovdyr). The blurb on the back sold it to me and sold it to me good and I have alot faith in Norwegian horror thanks to Fritt Vilt 1 & 2 (aka Cold Prey) so my saturday night seemed set.
The plot of Manhunt is simple, it's 1974 in Norway and four 20-somethings Roger, his girlfriend Camilla, her friend Mia and her brother Jorgen are all travelling in the countryside in a camper van. They stop at a gas station and they meet the unfriendly locals and meet a very nervous girl who asks them for a lift. They get followed by another car that the hitch-hiker seems to fear and all of them are attacked and dragged off unconcious into the woods. When they wake they hear the cry of a horn and they realise that they are being hunted down by unseen hunters.
Now I know what you are thinking......."Dude I've seen that movie a million times before!" and yes, you are right you have. But Manhunt totally acknowledges it references....Texas chainsaw massacre, Just before Dawn, Turkey Shoot and it even starts with the opening song to Last House on the Left. The movie has an unashamed 70's vibe to it, the way it is filmed, the characters, it's brutality.
And this dear reader is why I liked it. In all the dreg that hits the cinema it's great to see something that is such an affectionate nod to 70's slasher cinema. When it opens you are unsure of who is the main character and who will survive. Camilla's character has a huge turn around in it. From animal loving vergetarian with passive agressive abusive boyfriend to a John Rambo-esque final girl. The movie is good! Trust me. It's only 70 mins long but it feels longer in a good way.
The movie ends really well and it's kinda a brave ending. Not in an Eden Lake I want to kill myself ending but in a very it leaves the audience to decide what happens next. Also one of the best uses of music in a horror during a scene since House of 1000 corpses i.e nice song......nasty things on screen! Watch it......t'was good.
I was in Tesco this week, doing my weekly shop after my salsa classes ("This show is called Goddess, it's ain't called Classes, take a hike!"). I was perusing the ailses buying the usual, mouthwash, chicken, stuff to make chilli, grow your own tomatoes kit blah blah blah.
Rather randomly, and I haste to add not in the toy ailse where it wouldn't have been strange. I found this! And if any of you know me you will my obsession with 2 ladies in my life. Kylie (sadly I do have a Kylie doll) and this lady.......
This doll rocks and needless to say I love supermarkets and their randomness. she now sits upon my fireplace, next to the Lo-Pan from Big trouble in little china doll I have. Pride of place for the 2 of them, wow they would make a weird couple!
Can I just point out what I managed to buy on ebay for £14
Yes, that is an original Friday the 13th Part 2 turkish full size poster, and Yes Amy Steel will be rocking it in my living room in her framed glory soon. Cannot wait!
Watched Martyrs last night after managing to avoid all the fuss and controversy about the movie. I knew it was meant to be brutal and violent, but I managed to avoid plot details, images etc as i know when a film can be built up that when you eventually see it (ala Jack Ketchum's The Girl Next Door) it can be very disapointing. More so that I see for the dvd release in the UK at the end of the month it bore the obligitory review comparing it to Saw. "Makes Saw look like Seseme Street" I believe it said. Hmmmmmm "Comparing things to Saw and Hostel constantly looks like lazy journalism"
I purchased my Region 1 Unrated version this week, had my dinner last night and sat down with an open mind, though to be fair when a dvd starts with the director introducing the movie and apologising for what you are about to see it does worry me. So off it started and I'll have to admit an hour and a half down the line I was pretty speechless.
I'll give a basic plot summary. The film starts with Lucie as a child running free from some kind of warehouse. She is bloody, cut, thin. She is taken to a home for abused children where she meets Anna and Anna quickly becomes her protector. Lucie tells Anna what happened to her, that she was abducted, bound, tortured, starved and beaten on a daily basis for an unknown amount of time. By various people but with no sexual abuse. At night in the home Lucie sees this unknown female figure that is attacking her, mutilating her limbs. 15 years later and Lucie thinks she has found the people that tortured her and arrives on their door step with a shotgun and is intent on revenge and answers. But as Lucie and Anna are about to find out maybe the answers to all of their questions are something they could have never imagined or wanted to know.
Now to be fair that plot summary only actually describes like the first 30 minutes of the movie, I don't want to go any futher into it as it would ruin it. The movie is almost split into 3 sections, which works really well for it. All the actors are amazing in it, and have 100% commitment to what must have been a hard movie to film. The pace never rests and it one of those movies if you don't know much about it then you find yourself getting really into the plot because you want to know what is going on. It's very well directed by Pascal Laugier (who will be doing the Hellraiser remake).
Now the film is violent, don't get me wrong. It has some not nice moments. And I know alot of the assholes out there will rent this movie because it supposed to be really violent and controversial and the French tried to ban it. I think the French tried to ban it and the reason it's controversial isn't because of the violence, it's because of the subject matter. When you realise what this film is trying to say or even point out, it's a pretty loaded gun of a message. And that's what makes it a brave and thought provoking film. Infact I would even say it's a horror, yes horrific things happen, but I don't think it can be labelled that easily.
And what with the French!!!! When did they get so violent? I remeber seeing Switchblade Romance thinking they couldn't top that. Then Inside came out (which is more relentlessly violent than Martyrs) and I was like "what the fuckington fuck!" and now this!!!!! I can't believe it not all baggettes and croissants!
I just want to hang out all the time. Or play Resident Evil. Or watch horror movies. Or have beers with my friends (or coke zero's since i stopped drinking), I find it hard to cry in real life, but cried when Phoenix/Jean Grey died in X-Men 3. Have an obsession with Showgirls and never quite got over Twin peaks being cancelled.